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Harry Potter Series 6 Blind Bagged 3D Foam Figural Bag Clip | 1 Random
(53% OFF)
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Product Description
Monogram's blind bagged series of 3D Foam Figural Bag Clips based on popular Harry Potter characters continues on strong with Series 6! This fun series includes Harry, Cedric, Fleur, Krumin, Triwizard Cup, Dumbledore, Chinese Fireball Dragon, Common Welsh Dragon, and Swedish Snout. Plus, keep your eyes peeled for two different rare chase figures - the Merpeople and Golden Egg! Each character has a sturdy clip attachment so you can take them with you wherever you go! Each blind bag includes one figural bag clip. Figure selection is random. Which one will you get? Collect them all!
Shipping: This product ships Worldwide.
- Availability: The colors/sizes above are confirmed in stock & ready to ship!
- Manufacturer: Monogram International Inc.
- Product ID: 50894
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