Alter Nation 5 Inch Phase 1 Action Figure | Albert VII
Product Description
Developed from the DNA combination of Human, Capuchin Monkey and Toro Bravo Bull, Albert VII is a Hybrid Super Hero and a class clown overly fond of Whoopee Cushions! I am not sure what part of the mix made him extra mischievous, but I think I should limit my work with monkey DNA just to be on the safe side. The helper monkey DNA makes him extremely agile and his small stature means he can fit in small spaces – perfect for a scout! The bull DNA gives him his horns, which are very effective weapons considering his size, and extra strength in his legs allowing him to charge into battle or escape in a hurry. Collect all the Alter Nation Human Animal Hybrid Super Heroes and Villains; El Ray, Albert VII, Sham, Quillroy, Daart, and Sabotage (each sold separately)!
Shipping: This product ships Worldwide.
- Availability: The colors/sizes above are confirmed in stock & ready to ship!
- Manufacturer: Panda Mony Toy Brands
- Product ID: 51347