Alter Nation 7.5 Inch Phase 1 Action Figure | Quillroy
Product Description
Quillroy is a brute, developed from the DNA combination of Human, African Porcupine, Neotropical Fruit Bat and Indian Rhinoceros, who loves to pound things with his fists as much as he likes charging with his horns. Unfortunately, the subject also loves loud rock music. And he’s constantly working out or eating or both at the same time. I wonder if I can edit personality out of the genetic code? With his echolocation he can navigate even when he can’t see and the quills that launch out of his back are the perfect defensive weapon. Since he punches hard, he needs to be able to take a punch as well, which is why I added the rhinoceros DNA. Collect all the Alter Nation Human Animal Hybrid Super Heroes and Villains; El Ray, Albert VII, Sham, Quillroy, Daart, and Sabotage (each sold separately)!
Shipping: This product ships Worldwide.
- Availability: The colors/sizes above are confirmed in stock & ready to ship!
- Manufacturer: Panda Mony Toy Brands
- Product ID: 51349