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Boglins Dark Lords 8-Inch Foam Monster Puppet | Bog-o-Bones
(54% OFF)
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Product Description
Blobkin and Bog-O-Bones haunt the No Bog Lands in the valley of Doom, no Boglin dares to set hand or tail there. So treacherous and evil are these two that they are known to steal small Boglins and carry them off to the Valley, a very inhospitable place filled with dread and woe. For this reason, every Halloween young Boglins stay indoors and leave carved pumpkins on their door steps to try and trick Blobkin and Bog-O-Bones into stealing their Jack-O-lanterns and leaving them alone. The Jack-O-lanterns are often filled with sugary candies that send Blobkin and Bog-O- Bones into fits of laughter which can be heard for miles around the Bog.
Shipping: This product ships Worldwide.
- Availability: The colors/sizes above are confirmed in stock & ready to ship!
- Manufacturer: TriAction Toys
- Product ID: 52639
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